Where: Lakeside Drive Community Garden
27 Lakeside Dr, Alawa, NT
When: 10am – 12 noon, Saturday 26 June 2021
What to bring: Sunscreen, hat and long sleeves/pants are recommended.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/food-sharing-workshop-rapid-creekgurambai-tickets-154511846091
$5 per person, numbers are limited
Morning tea will be provided
Gurambai/Rapid Creek has been a source of life and nourishment for locals and other creatures for thousands of years. Join us for a workshop in the community gardens as we reflect on the way that food connects us to the river, other critters and each other, and how these relationships are shifting and changing as colonialism and development continue to impact this place.
With Kelly Lee Hickey and Nadine Lee