TopEndSTS are a group of scholars and practictioners who regularly come together to share stories, insights and collaborations.
We are all, in one way or other, associated with the interdisciplinary field of Science and Technology Studies (STS); an orientation to inquiry that works to unpick some of the assumptions embedded in modern knowledge traditions, and provides resources for new forms of situated interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research work.
Our research spans many contemporary issues and concerns within collective northern Australian life, and engages disparate climatic environments, complex interplays of connection and ‘remoteness’, and the co-presence of many differing Western and Indigenous modes of people-place making.
This work comes to life under the guidance of sovereign First Nations knowledge authorites working on unceded Aboriginal lands. In all our activities we recognise a debt to the rich legacies collaboration between northern Australian researchers and Aboriginal elders and knowledge authorities who have come before us.